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Tips for the Holiday Season 

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Here are some further ideas I collected for you to give a try

1. Take care of yourself
Keep taking care of yourself to stay centered and energized.
Use calming techniques (stop, relax think) and self control
(yoga, breathing exercises) or exercise to produce endorphins
to help you better handle stress. Find time to go for walks,
take hot baths, meditate, pray, visit friends, take naps, or
relax with your children or spouse.

2. Adjust your expectation

Problem: Sensory overload by the crowds in a store, the
stress of parking, all the lights, colorful decoration and loud
music can create anxiety, overwhelm and distraction for
someone with ADHD.
Possible solutions: Go shopping when no one is around.
Take your medication for focus. Wear an iPod with calming
songs. Have a list of items you need to purchase.  

Problem: Feeling stressed out because you’re trying to do
too much -- in too little time. Possible solutions: Be realistic about what you can
accomplish. Determine what is truly important to your family
Example: Make a list of all the activities your family
did last year and have each family member rate them on
a scale from 1 (very important) to 3 (unimportant). The
focus only on the 1s and some 2s, and forget about the 3s.

Problem: Remember we do not have to recreate the perfect
Christmas we see on Tv. It’s hard enough to deal with the
stress of daily living with ADHD.
Possible solutions: Let go of the idea of the perfect
holiday. Do only the holiday things that truly bring you

3. Learn skills to manage the project more efficiently

Take a day off from work or hire a babysitter so you can
plan, write cards, or shop without the kids. A time line
or check list can keep all the preparations on track -
and keep you from becoming overwhelmed.

Problem: Running out of time to get everything done.
Possible solutions: Streamline your life. Your time is still
going to be at a premium.
Example: Defer nonessential activities until after the
holidays. Delegate, chart and check off when done.
Save time in the kitchen by buying prepared dinners at
your grocery store or cooking, then freezing, double
recipes when you have the time. Shop online.

Problem: For those of you who are impulsive and/or
disorganized, making a "Holiday To-Do List" early is a
must. But deciding what to put on it (and what NOT to
put on it) however can be confusing.
Possible solutions: Make 3 lists and check them a lot
Example: Break your seasonal to-do list into three
master lists to ensure a smooth and joyous holiday.
1. Activities, 2. Gift Budget, 3.Sending cards and
gifts in time

Problem: Being concerned about finances is the number-one
stressor during the holidays.
Possible solutions: Use a budget. Have a list when you
go shopping. Shop online. If finances are tight, offer
homemade gifts or provide a service, such as mowing
the lawn or babysitting.

4. Simplify your holiday and plan ahead

Problem: Sending holiday cards-- after it’s already too late.
Possible solutions: Devise a system for keeping track of the
information related to cards or e-mail them to save both
your and mailing time.

Problem: Finding the “perfect” gift for everyone.
Possible solutions: Stop worrying about it. Give gift
certificate or make a donation in the person’s names
to a favorite cause or nonprofit. Or buy everyone
varieties of the same thing, such as books or clothing
from the same catalog or website. Stock up on decorative
candles or bottles of wine to give out as hostess
gifts, too.

5. Learn to say “no”

SAY NO to Parties That You Don't Want to Attend
First, Say thank you to the person for inviting you,
then apply the "less is more" rule. Skip the long
explanation and choose something short and general
like: "I'm sorry, but I already have plans for that day."

SAY NO to Out-of-Control Gift-Giving
Problem: You’re tired of running around and buy gifts
you don't have time to shop for, can't afford, and
that nobody really needs anyway.
Possible solutions: Just opt out of gift giving this
year. Consider drawing names for a gift exchange or
buying one gift for a household. Pool your money
and invest in a professionally done family portrait,
with prints for everyone. Replace material things with a
memorable holiday experience. Rent a house in a vacation
spot or national park, or gather everyone to attend a
special holiday play or performance. Tell them, "I'm
starting a new tradition. Instead of giving gifts, I'm
going to make a contribution to an organization in your

SAY NO to Unwanted Houseguests
Here are some preventive tactics: "You're coming to town?
Fantastic! A great new hotel just opened -- you'll love
it!" or "Sorry, the house is in no condition for guests
right now." Also "I can't wait to see you. Do you need
recommendations on a good place to stay?"

SAY NO to Taking on the Work for a Big Holiday Celebration
Tell your family that you need a break and so someone
else can handle the celebration. You can all go to
a restaurant. Or start a potluck and tell your guests,
"I'm starting a new tradition. This year, everyone
will bring one dish for the meal."

Leave it all behind. Take a vacation from the holiday
season — and the frenzy that goes with it. Take your
family on a trip the week between Christmas and New

This holiday season, have confidence in your decision to
do only those things that really matter to you and those
you love. It will help you and your loved ones enjoy the
season -- and start the New Year energized, refreshed,
and happy. Season’s greetings!
ADDitude Magazine: by Michele Novotni, Ph.D., by
Sandy Maynard, by Beth Main, by Rosemary Hahn


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    Awesome page, Preserve the very good job. Thanks!
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